We suggest that our guests stay in Avellino, a 45min scenic drive from Villa Assunta. On the day of the reception, we are planning to have a private bus service between Viva Hotel and Villa Assunta. The bus will pick up guests at 11.15am and will return at night, at the end of the reception.
Hotels in Avellino
- Viva Hotel (website, map): It is located in the city center, next to the bus station, and is a 5min walk from a "promenade", called Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, with many shops and cafes. We have arranged for a block of rooms to be held at a discounted price, until July 20th (for rates, click here). You can make a reservation by sending an email, in Italian or English, to, mentioning that you are with the De Cristofaro-Mohtashemi wedding. For more information on the hotel, you can also visit its page.
- Hotel de la Ville (website, map): It is a 15min walk from Corso Vittorio Emanuele II and 20min from the bus station. Reservations can be made from the hotel website and also from or expedia.
Hotels in Mercogliano
Should hotels in Avellino be fully booked, a good alternative is to stay in Mercogliano, a small town on the hills next to Avellino, only a 7min drive from Avellino. Below are two suggested hotels:
- Green Park Hotel Titino (website,map): Reservations can be made from the hotel website or (link).
- Hotel Mercurio (website,map): Reservations can be made from the hotel website or (link).
Hotels in the Countryside:
If you prefer to stay in the countryside and/or closer to the reception venue, there is a small hotel owned by a famous wine producer (Mastroberardino):
- Radici Resort (website, map): Surrounded by vineyards, it has beautiful views and a renowned restaurant. The nearest town is a couple km away, where English is not widely spoken. If you would like to stay here, let us know and we can make a reservation for you. For more information and rates, please click here.